
Cloudfiles Appliance

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Simple Cloudfiles client

Like an Amazon Storage Gateway, but for Rackspace Cloudfiles. It shows up on your network, you drop your files on it, they find their way to the Cloud.

Using it

The following will build you a working Philbot appliance on an Ubuntu Precise Vagrant VM. Assumptions:

Cargo-cult at your own risk. So first, there's bunch of spadework to be done (Note: where you see things in {braces}, you actually have fill in stuff, copy 'n' paste will lead to horrible consequences):

sudo bash
apt-get update
apt-get -y install curl git redis-server samba avahi-daemon
useradd -s /bin/bash -G admin -m {user}
mkdir -p /home/share
chown nobody:nogroup /home/share

Paste this over /etc/samba/smb.conf:

  workgroup = {myappliance}
  security = user
  kernel oplocks = yes

  comment = {myappliance}
  path = /home/share
  writeable = yes
  guest ok = no

and do:

echo "{password}
{password}" | smbpasswd -a -s {user}
smbpasswd -e {password}

Now paste this into /etc/avahi/services/smb.service:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE service-group SYSTEM "avahi-service.dtd">
 <name replace-wildcards="yes">{myappliance}</name>

Restart samba and avahi (or just reboot the box) and you should now have a working samba server. It will advertise itself on yer network as {my appliance}, and you'll be able to connect as {user}/{password} and drop some files on it.

Presuming this all works, then go create a Cloudfiles container called {bucket} (using Cyberduck, the Web interface, magic spells, whatever), then configure the actual Philbot code:

sudo su - {user}
curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
git clone
cd philbot/
bundle install

Edit conf/philbot.yaml so it looks like this:

provider:  Rackspace
username:  somerackspacelogin
api_key:   longstringoflettersandnumbers11
region:    lon
container: {bucket}


echo "SHARE=/home/share/" > .env
rvmsudo bundle exec foreman export -u {user} -a {user} upstart /etc/init

Now start the service with service philbot start (or bounce the box again) and the magic should begin to happen: open a view on your Cloudfiles container (Cyberduck, web browser, remote viewing, whatever you got), then drop some more files in the {my appliance} share and they should start to appear in Cloudfiles. Delete things locally, and they should start to be removed from Cloudfiles.

You are now Philbot-compliant.


We have plans for at least a couple of new features:


All Philbot really does is watch a directory (using the excellent Listen gem) for changes, and then queues jobs. So how about something like this:

There is already code to support this, but it didn't survive first contact with the Real World due to some encoding thing. This is going to get done, though.

Cold storage

At present, the Cloudfiles container stays in sync with the local storage. This is fine for now, but eventually even our 2TB USB drive is going to get full up. So here's the plan:

Raspberry Pi

The Actual Philbot When we were designing this, the target was always to put it onto a Raspberry Pi. We have this running right now on a Pi in the ODI office, connected to a 2TB external USB drive, which gives us a self-contained Cloudfiles appliance for less than a hundred quid!

This path, however, is beset by bandits - Raspbian is based on Debian, which means:

No Upstart, because ${REASONS}

I eventually gave up on attempting to get Foreman to do the Right Thing with things-that-are-not-Upstart (life is short, ya know?), put on the bamboo headphones and pasted this at the bottom of /etc/inittab:

PH01:4:respawn:/bin/su - philbot -c 'cd /home/philbot/philbot;export PORT=5000;bundle exec ruby bin/philbot /mnt/usb >> /var/log/philbot/philbot-1.log 2>&1'

which seems to work.

smbpasswd not part of Samba install, also because ${REASONS}

Not a big deal, but potentially frustrating. This command will fix it

sudo apt-get install samba-common-bin

and now you can add Samba users.

RasPi image

The eventual plan is to publish a Raspbian-based SD-Card image which will work out a bunch o' stuff, present itself for auto-configuration, and then Just Work.


Are here. You got ideas, we wanna hear 'em.


We want your pull-requests! Take a fork, clone it and run the test suite (we use Guard for Super-Awesome Continuous Testing)

bundle install
bundle exec guard

(Note: this will intermittently fail because testing asynchronous things is hard. Hmm, maybe you can help me fix this, too?)

Then write some cukes and some code, and send us a PR!
