Jeni Tennison · Open Data Institute
CSV on the Web W3C Working Group Co-chair
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what if CSV were a true web format?
The mission of the CSV on the Web Working Group, part of the Data Activity, is to provide technologies whereby data dependent applications on the Web can provide higher interoperability when working with datasets using the CSV (Comma-Separated Values) or similar formats. As well as single CSV files, the group will define mechanisms for interpreting a set of CSVs as relational data. This will include the definition of a vocabulary for describing tables expressed as CSV and locatable on the web, and the relationships between them.
HTTP header
Link: <metadata.json>; rel="describedby"
{ "@id": "site22580943-2013-dec.csv", "title": "Weather observations for site 22580943 (Exeter Airport, UK)", "modified": "2013-12-31", "license": "", "schema": { "columns": [{ "name": "air-temp", "title": { "en": "Air temperature (Cel)", "fr": "La température d'air (C)" }, "description": "Air temperature quantity value expressed in Celsius.", "type": "double", "required": true }, { ... }] } }
<site/22580943/date-time/{datetime:/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}T\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}Z)$/}> a ssn:Observation ; ssn:observationSamplingTime [ time:inXSDDateTime "{datetime}"^^xsd:dateTime ] ; ssn:observationResult [ a ssn:SensorOutput ; def-op:airTemperature_C [ qudt:numericValue "{air-temp}"^^xsd:double ] ; def-op:dewPointTemperature_C [ qudt:numericValue "{dew-point-temp}"^^xsd:double ] ] .
Jeni Tennison · Open Data Institute @JeniTSlides at